Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Link with "Numbers" TV program
How to present data as an Extended Project Qualification class
Understanding Risk- concept of probability zero events using a dart board
Unlikely probabilities with potentially large utility (gain)-->Expected utility in decision making
subjective probability and personnal beleif
epidemic spread of contageous disease-->rumour modelling
what does a statistician aactually do? why be a statistician?
voting schemes: using coloured cards or electronic pads
     X-factor, weakest link, Big Brother evictions, Come dine with me
Monty Hall game show
Deal or no deal for random selection
ipod shuffle to demonstrate uniform randomness
game theory: prisoners dilema (businessness, waring countries), catepillar game
randomness of the weather
link with every day decision making in the presence of uncertainty
Experimental Design ideas- baking soda and film cases, paper helicopters
understanding uncertainty and misinformation in the media, advertising, politics

David speigelhalters web page on explaining uncertainty
Macus Du Sautay
Royal Statistical Society GetStats campaign
Royal Society Christmas lectures by Du Sautay, Ian Stewart
Gelman book on teaching statistics

15 minute challenges: battleships type probabilistic search strategies
Simpsons paradox
voting scheme in two teams
game theory strategies

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