Tuesday, April 26, 2011

MAP projects

I've seen all of the student to kick-off their MAP projects. Generally, they seem quite keen but perhaps not as keen as I was anticipating given the opportunity and the effort to get on the program. But then again I'm not sure how enthused a teenager is going to get about maths anyway! I also not sure exactly what level of difficulty to pitch the work at. Hopefully I haven't asked too much of them.

The projects are:

  • a comparison between optimal flow algorithms applied to different scenarios, probably health, defence, production, routing
  • a comparison between Classical and Bayesian confidence intervals
  • internet security using the public key encryption, probably including RSA and prime numbers
  • investigation in to the concept and developing definitions of infinity
  • Game theory in business

Voting Workshop

With the up coming vote on the the First Past the Post vs AV I thought that this might be a good idea to resurrect my idea about a workshop around different voting schemes. I know that there was a section in the Gelman book bag of tricks about teaching statistics about this and there's bound to be loads of stuff on the internet. Apparently, there are some Who Wants To Be A Millionaire-type voting pads available to use too.