This was the second time I've given this session. I think that it was an improvement. I went through the material a lot slower.
I thought that the handout exercise, although it was an improvement, could have been more interesting. At the least I think that the handout needs to be more fun looking. Maybe something to do with getting the pupils to interact with each other? They could maybe take a strawpoll of the rest of the class to estimate a probability on the line? Or they could come up with their own events that fit in to each of the boxes? or I could get them to stand in a line with an event and decide in what order they should stand in increasing probability? maybe 2 lines and make it a competition? This would need to have a definite order though. Could have markers, e.g. chairs, for 0,1,0.5 and get them to stand where they think the event should go?
Should have an extra slide at the end of the workshop of different job that use maths too.